A well-known Russian national beverage is kvass. Traditionally it used to be made of malt, rye bread and fresh water. Nowadays, in order to simplify the process of fermentation, they often add yeast into it. Traditional Russian kvass is a soft cooling beverage. It has a sour taste, and it can be used as a base for cold soups.
Известный русский национальный напиток – это квас. Традиционно его готовили из солода, ржаного хлеба и свежей воды. Сегодня, чтобы упростить процесс брожения, в него добавляют дрожжи. Традиционный русский квас является безалкогольным прохладительным напитком. Он обладает кислым вкусом и может использоваться в качестве основы для холодных супов.
To see the world is every person's dream . Our Planet has many wonder things. I am attractived to uncharted places, nature untouched by human , the various mysteries and discoveries of the world. Each culture is unique and includes customs and tradition, revealing that there is a possibility to get know other people. And it attracts me and fascinates me. Developed transport system allows to overcome a great distances. It's a matter of hours . No need to go far away, you can go hiling on native surroundings, enjoying the scenic spots, to learn a lot, invisible at first glance. The next step could be a trip to other cities of our country, which are rich in their history and architecture. And so, gradually, you will see and learn a lot, feel the diversity and beauty of the life. I'm just starting my way as a traveler, and in front of me there is a lot of unknown things. Therefore, it is difficult for me to choose one journey, the only place that I would like to visit. I think that for me, any trip is going to be a dream trip . However, in the case of going somewhere I prefer camping with a tent and sports bike through uncharted places of our country and beyond. Because, I believe that this is the best way to communicate with friends and other people, with nature, in particular, and, among others, with ourselves. Under such conditions, I enjoy the fresh air, healthy food, creative adventures, communicating with interesting people, with minimum amount of merits of civilization, good music and spectacular scenery. With each trip I bring not only experience, but also photos that later remind me a fun and excited spent time. It was that trip, which hardens our and when you are in the midst of positive emotions. That is a journey of my dream.