New York is the largest and one of the most important cities in the United States. This huge city is located on the eastern coast of the country and consists of 5 administrative districts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and the Staten Island. Partially the city is located on the islands adjacent to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson Bay.The population of New York is over 8, 5 million people. In addition, more than 140 thousand visitors and tourists arrive to New York every day.Not being a capital of the country, or even of the state, New York, however, has become a major center of financial, economic, political and cultural life for Americans.The city has a long history. The Dutch were the first settlers in the 17th century, and the old name of the city was New Amsterdam.The main center of New York City has always been the island of Manhattan. Here are concentrated the main attractions and the wealth of the city. The most famous company offices, headquarters, museums, monuments of culture and architecture, many theaters and restaurants, hotels and well-known shopping centers are located in the heart of the huge metropolis.Those who arrive to New York to see the most interesting and famous places of America, begin their journey with a tour of the main symbol of the city and the country, the Statue of Liberty, located on a small island southwest of Manhattan. Since 1886, a huge 93-meter statue greets and farewells residents and visitors of New York.Those who arrive to New York to see the most interesting and famous places of America, begin their journey with a tour of the main symbol of the city and the country, the Statue of Liberty, located on a small island southwest of Manhattan. Since 1886, a huge 93-meter statue greets and farewells residents and visitors of New York.
The correct order of the parts of the text is as follows:
1. D. In the 11th century people of London usually built wooden houses and they were often near each other. Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually fairly small. Then came the year 1666, the year of the Great Fire of London.
2. B. On the second of September 1666, there was a strong wind from the River Thames. It was Saturday night. Londoners were sleeping in their beds. The fire began in a bakery in Pudding Lane. The king's baker and his wife were sleeping in their house too. Suddenly the baker's wife woke up in the middle of the night. She understood that their house was on fire.
3. E. There are a lot of reasons why the fire was so large, mostly to do with the way houses were built - a lot of them were made from wood and were very close together. The fire was so big that it was called the Great Fire of London.
4. A. Then the building next to the baker's house started burning, and then the next and the next... The fire moved very fast because of the wind. Many buildings were on fire. The fire lasted four days and it burnt down a lot of buildings - about 80% of the city: over 13,000 houses, 87 churches, and even St. Paul's Cathedral!
5. C. Around 70,000 people lost their homes in the fire. After the fire, many people lived in tents in the fields around London. When houses were rebuilt, a lot of them were made in bricks instead of wood and straw. And the houses weren't built so close together. London became larger. By 1830 there were more than one and a half million people in the capital of Britain.