The Amur tiger is the only species of tigers that has learned to endure harsh snowy winters. Hunting for the Amur tiger is the most important activity, because it eats only meat. Hoofed animals usually become its prey. Amur tigers are loners. Another reason for the reduction in the number of this species is the valuable fur of the animal, which every hunter had dreamed of getting. But now the Amur tiger is under state protection, and these royal animals live in special reserves where they have created all the conditions necessary for life.
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Red or mountain wolf is a kind of wolf that is in danger of extinction due to deforestation. There are very few hunters of these animals. Red wolf is a predatory mammal of the canine family, the only species of the genus Cuon. This is the rarest kind of dog.
Красный или горный волк - это вид волков, которые находятся под угрозой исчезновения из-за вырубки лесов. Охотников на этих животных очень мало. Красный волк - хищное млекопитающее семейства псовых, единственный вид рода Красных волков. Это самый редкий вид псовых.