Noisy, boiling city life and at the same time serene, unhurried, breathing eight centuries of history and eternally young Riga.
Shining with showcases of boutiques and charming with the unassuming beauty of the quiet streets of its outskirts.
A shaking night with the music of numerous nightclubs and delighting the ear of a casual passer-by with the delicate play of street musicians.
And all this is so harmoniously and naturally combined in this tiny piece of Europe, in this “little Paris” that it is simply impossible not to admire.
And it is not surprising that those who have been to Riga once, come back here again and again. Over and over again, she appears in a completely new, hitherto unseen perspective and, as if playfully, reveals more and more secrets.
It seems her possibilities in this are simply endless.
Superman has a red and blue uniform. He can jump over one building with one jump. He is the most popular hero in America.
Superman was created by two high school students named Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster from Cleveland, Ohio. They were not famous in their school, so they created a superhero.
Based on the Superman story: Superman comes from the dying planet of Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket to rescue him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. Two farmers found the boy and named him Clark. As Clarke matured, he received power from the Sun. By that time, he could already fly and can see through the walls.
Superman is the symbol of the American Dream. He achieves everything with his strength. His task is to protect the defenseless. Everyone loves and is proud of him!
1. doesn't like 2. When do you go 3. What is he reading now? 4. What does he read 5. What will he read 6. Will you give 7. Where will she be 8. Where will she go 9. Will she go 10. They will stay 11. What are you doing now? 12. When will you finish your homework? It is very late, it is time to go to bed. 13. How are you usually spend 14. What will you do 15. They aren't drinking tea now. I think they are watching TV. 16. What does your father drink 17. When do you get up every day? I get up 18. My brother usually doesn't get up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he gets up at six o'clock , but tomorrow he will get up at seven o'clock. 19. Why will she come 20. We will go 21. Our friends always go 22.The kitten is playing 23. Are your parents watching TV now? 24. My sister isn't resting now. She is helping mother in the kitchen. She helps mother in the kitchen every day.