Лишнее слово дано в скобках:
1 The woman who (she) lives next door is a flight attendant.
2 Sam is going (to) on holiday next month.
3 Karen had (been) finished her homework by the time her parents came home.
4 Peter couldn't (to) dive when he was young.
5 Mary (did) used to like sweets, but now she doesn't.
6 Neither Liz nor Kim is (not) tall.
7 The box was too heavy for Paul to lift (it) .
8 That blouse isn't yours. It's mine (blouse).
9 He is (not) never late for work.
10 Jack is (not) too short to reach the ceiling.
Martin Jenson and his friend Steve went to two-day climbing trip.They went early in the morning and the weather was good as said the weather forecast.Two friends took nessecary things with them,like tent,food,mobile phone for emergencies.
The men were climbing well until weather changed.It started to snow heavily and they decided to go back down the mountain.But Steve slipped and fell over a cliff.Martin wanted to help but they've lost their backpack.Steve's leg was broken and they couldn't even phone.Then,they went to the closest cave and stayed there for night,it was a hard night.Fortunatlly,in the morning they were saved and went to a hospital.Now they wont try it again.
Завдання включає використання граматики англійської мови, зокрема, правил використання інфінітиву та герундія. Залежно від контексту та використовуваного дієслова, ми можемо використовувати інфінітив (to + verb) або герундій (-ing форма дієслова).
I heard the clock strike six and realised I had to get up.Я почув, як годинник вдарив шість, і зрозумів, що мені потрібно встати.
She said she loved the photo so I asked if she would like to keep it.Вона сказала, що їй дуже сподобалося фото, тому я запитав, чи не хотіла б вона його залишити.
I didn't know how to get to the school so I had to stop someone to ask for directions.Я не знав, як дістатися до школи, тому мені довелося зупинити когось, щоб запитати дорогу.
Please remember to bring your homework to school.Будь ласка, не забудьте принести домашнє завдання в школу.
He remembers putting his phone in his bag but now he can't find it.Він пам'ятає, що клав свій телефон у сумку, але тепер не може його знайти.
My mother says that I am too young to use Facebook.Моя мати каже, що я занадто молодий, щоб користуватися Facebook.
I wish those cats would stop making that horrible noise.Я бажаю, щоб ті коти перестали видають такий страшний шум.
It was so loud, you couldn't hear anyone speaking.Було так гучно, що неможливо було почути, як хтось говорить.
We advised him to go to the hospital.Ми порадили йому йти до лікарні.