-Hi, do you eat junk food?
-Hi, no, of course, I eat exclusively healthy food.
-And how is it useful?
-Organism develops and a person feels good.
-What foods are in your diet?
-Fruits and vegetables, they are the most healthy!
-And if a person eats junk food, what will happen to him?
-Digestion will be terrible, the body will not absorb harmful food.
-What can you advise other children?
-Eat right. You, and only you, are responsible for your health.
-Thank you very much, now I will also eat right to feel good!
Good luck!
3. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous.
1. He eats rice every day.
2. I am working at the moment.
3. They are not going to the party tonight.
4. He don't plays golf on Mondays.
5. Do you study every night?
6. Is Julia sleeping now?
7. I don't drink coffee very often.
8. Does he come to London often?
4. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple.
1. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. –
Yesterday, I stired together eggs, sugar and flour
2. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. –
Yesterday, my mum baked apple muffin once a fortnight
3. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. –
Yesterday, diced cheese for canapés
2) the, the, -
3) -, a, -4) -5) -
6) -, a, -7) -, the8) -9) a
9) the, the
10) the, the