An employee manual, also known as an employee handbook or staff handbook is a book given to employees by an employer.
The employee handbook can be used to bring together employment and job-related information which employees need to know for example: the company's mission or purpose, general information like holiday arrangements, company perks, rules and others
The employee handbook is almost always a part of a company's induction process for new staff. A written employee handbook gives clear advice to employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt.
2. A lot of people were invited to the party.
( Past Simple Passive)
Много людей были приглашены на вечеринку.
3. Will a new library be opened by the Queen?
(Future Simple Passive)
Будет ли новая библиотека открыта королевой?
6. What was Marina told about?
(Past Simple Passive)
О чем рассказали Марине?
8. I have just been promised to buy a new computer.
(Present perfect Passive)
Мне только что пообещали купить компьютер.
9. A letter is being written at the moment.
(Present continuous Passive)
В данный момент пишется письмо.
10. She was being waited for school.
(Past Continuous Passive)
Ее ждали в школе.
1. is celebrated
2. are watered
3. will be built
4. were shown
5. was invited to dance
6. am asked
1. I was offered a cup if tea.
2. Harry Potter is known by everybody.
3. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
4.he will be awarded a Nobel Prize next year.
5. The police was sent for.
1) Subject + to be + Past participle
2) (wh questions ) + auxiliary verb + subject + to be + Past participle
3) subject + auxiliary verb + not + to be + Past participle
4) by
For Christmas comes but once a year