I have breakfast at half past eight. I can have some tea with sandwiches or same orenge juice,a piese of bread and jam.My mother cooking my breakfast.I love my breakfast! Menu (for breakfast) 1) Omellet with tea. 2) Some milk with sandwiches. 3) Some tea with jam. 4) Some yogurt with porridge. 5) Some hot chokolate with bun. Bun-(булка).
Люси: Привет.
Школьный библиотекарь: Здравствуйте, как вас зовут?
Люси: меня зовут Люси.
Школьный библиотекарь: а как ваша фамилия, Люси?
Люси: Мур.
Школьный библиотекарь: вы можете это произнести по буквам?
Люси: М-О-О-Р-Е.
Школьный библиотекарь А ты в каком классе учишься?
Люси: класс 1В.
Школьный библиотекарь: класс 1В. а сколько тебе лет, Люси?
Люси: мне 13 лет.
Школьный библиотекарь: у вас есть фотография?
Люси: Да, вот ты где.
Школьный библиотекарь Хорошо тебе, Люси. Вот ваша школьная библиотечная карточка.
Люси Пока.
Школьный библиотекарь: до свидания.
2) For the first time, scientists have created functioning human
intestinal tissue in convergence from stem cells.
3) The situation was getting worse, and the captain gave the order to abandon the ship.
4) The town was built on the borderline between two countries and has always represented implicationsof both cultures and languages.
5) That notorious court case spawned a lot of arguments among the politicians and lawyers.
6) He wasn’t sure what to do: his decision might have a rather unpredictable petri dish for all his family.
7) Ihe conference considered rather sensitive issues for the modem society such as abortion and saine-sex marriage.
8) Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression in a democratic country: