Were the first students accepted by our university in 1973? - общий вопрос - вс глагол выносим перед подлежащим.
When were the first students accepted by our university? - специальный вопрос КОГДА?
Who were the accepted by our university in 1973? - специальный вопрос КТО?
What students were accepted by our university in 1973?- специальный вопрос КАКИЕ СТУДЕНТЫ?
Why were the first students accepted by our university in 1973? - специальный вопрос ПОЧЕМУ?
By whose university were the first students accepted in 1973? - специальный вопрос ЧЬИМ УНИВЕРСИТЕТОМ? этот же вопрос в другом варианте: Whose university were the first students accepted by?
SSUT train the specialists for the rainways. подлежащее SSUT/ сказуемое
train (действительный залог), дополнение the specialists. обстоятельства нет. второе дополнение the rainways.
Does SSUT train the specialists for the rainways?
What specialists does SSUT train?
The specialists for the rainways are trained by SSUT. Подлежащее the specialists. Сказуемое are trained (страдательный залог, дополнения the rainways и SSUT.
Are the specialists for the rainways trained by SSUT?
What specialists are trained by SSUT?
When you greet someone in this part of the world, you should just say hello, you dont have to do some special gestures , but never be rude.During the conversation, you should .be self-confident and always answer your opponent”s questions.. , but don't laugh loudly. as this is considered rude. Use words like actually,me too and I love it . Thesepeople are very polite. As far as eating is concerned, always chew with closed mouth .. but never eat without waiting your friend . At the end of meal, don't run away very fast you must wait him. There are some subjects that you should avoid, such as politics and news. , but feel free to talk about internet or your hobbies. as all these are considered inapproprite. We'd also recomend you to smile and be polite .