Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и ихзаголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному цифрами 1-5, подберитесоответствующий заголовок, обозначенный буквами a-f. используйте каждую,буквуу только один раз. в есть один лишний заголовок.a) olympic flag.b) games restarted.c) the first olympics.d) the winners.e) the games stopped.f) modern olympics.the olympic games1) nobody knows exactly when the olympic games began, but historians think that the firstgames were in 776 bc. athletes from all over greece came to compete in a town called olympia.there was only one event. it was a running race.2) the games were very popular. soon there were more events, for example, wrestling andhorse racing. the games took place every four years, for a thousand years. in ad 394 the romanemperor theodosius stopped them for religious reasons.3) in 1887, the frenchman pierre de coubertin decided he wanted to restart the olympicgames. it took a long time but finally the first modem olympic games began in athens in april 1896.thirteen countries took part. there were nearly 300 competitors in nine different sports.4) pierre de coubertin also designed the olympic rings. each ring represents one of the fivecontinents and the olympic flag contains at least one colour from every national flag.5) today the olympic games are the world's most famous sports competition. the modernolympics take place every four years in a different city. in 2004 they were again in athens. over11,000 athletes from 203 countries competed in 28 sports, 3 000 years after the first olympic games.запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.текстзаголовок
2. Yesterday my aunt went shopping.
3. He has just joined us.
4. I visited my uncle last Saturday.
5. I have never been to Moscow.
6. They have already read the poems.
7. They went to the theatre last week.
8. She has just seen her teacher.
9. I have just done my homework.
10. We have already visited our grandmother.
11. Yesterday we went out and had a nice time.
12. Kate has never been to Africa.
13. Last year I stayed in Britain too long.
14. You have never visited your friend.
15. I wrote the invitation letters last night.
16. We have just watched.
1. Мы уже прочитали все упражнения. 2. Вчера моя тетя ходила по магазинам. 3. Он только присоединился к нам. 4. Я посетил моего дядю в субботу. 5. Я никогда не был в Москве. 6. Они уже прочитали стихи. 7. Они ходили в театр на неделе. 8. Она только что видела своего учителя. 9. Я только что сделал мою домашнюю работу. 10. Мы уже посетили нашу бабушку. 11. Вчера мы вышли и приятно провели время. 12. Кейт никогда не была в Африке. 13. В году я оставался в Великобритании слишком долго. 14. Ты никогда не посещал своего друга. 15. Я писал письма-приглашения ночью. 16. Мы только что посмотрели.