I'm going to read a lot of books this year. Я собираюсь прочесть много книг в этом году.
We hope you will solve all your problems soon. Мы надеемся, что вскоре ты решишь все свои проблемы.
When everyone took their places my grandmother said "Well, now listen to stories". Когда все заняли свои места, моя бабушка сказала:"Ну, теперь послушайте истории".
I will try to answer all your questions. Я постараюсь ответить на все твои вопросы.
We're going to discuss this buisness plan with our partners. Мы собираемся обсудить этот бизнес-план с нашими партнёрами.
Доработай , я давно учила этот текст,пишу по памяти. n London you can visut a lot of intristing places. The most famous street rhere - is Oxford street. But if you walk few houses farer , in Soho u will see a Carnaby street. It is the most fashionable place in London. In the past, king with his friends was really enjoyed hunting in this area. And name "Soho" , cams to us from those days, when it wa a hunting roar. And then, the famoust fashionable disigner James как-то тамович comes to London and opend in the Soho his store , called "His clothes" . And the famous those days stars like The Beatles, Rolling Stones bought clothes there. And James become a really seccsesful in this business. But in 1970 people start flund unusial styles in old fashion, so James gave up, and lost his shop. Nowdays there a lot of interesting shops too, i recomend you, to wisit this place.
1. I don’t think I’ll follow in my parents’ footsteps and become an engineer as I have no bent for this job. 2. I don’t understand how Linda can fix this hat to her hair. 3. Sally doesn’t want to be influenced by anyone, she’d like to make up her mind whether to go to college or not herself. 4. Larry doesn’t mind of doing a monotonous job if he knows it will do somebody a world of good. 5. Malcolm showed off all the time, so some children got jealous of his success. 6. Nick has decided once and for all he will never work during night shifts. 7. I know it as a fact that Rebecca cares a lot for American films. 8. “If you do any harm to my baby boy”, said Jeremy, “you’ll get in trouble!”
I'm going to read a lot of books this year. Я собираюсь прочесть много книг в этом году.
We hope you will solve all your problems soon. Мы надеемся, что вскоре ты решишь все свои проблемы.
When everyone took their places my grandmother said "Well, now listen to stories". Когда все заняли свои места, моя бабушка сказала:"Ну, теперь послушайте истории".
I will try to answer all your questions. Я постараюсь ответить на все твои вопросы.
We're going to discuss this buisness plan with our partners. Мы собираемся обсудить этот бизнес-план с нашими партнёрами.