Clare: There's Hansel and Gretel at the Unicorn Theatre. Would you like to see it on Saturday? Marie: Great! I have read the tale but I have not seen the play yet.
Paul: It was on TV yesterday.I enjoyed it.
\Melanie: I've got a Hansel and Gretel video and I watched it yesterday evening
Paul: Yesterday we went with our geography teatcher to the Natural History Museum. We did geography tasks and were watching dinosaurs for two hours. Have you been to the Natural History Museum yet? Marc: No, we have not. .
Paul: You should see the dinosaurs. Why not go there on Sunday? Marc: That's great!
1)hand, got, a, have, I, nice, my, in, left, ball. - I have got a nice ball in my left hand - D моей левой руке я держу красивый мячик.
2)sing, a, bird, song, tree, in, the, nice, can. - A nice bird can sing a song in the tree. - Красивая птичка может петь песню на дереве.
3)ice cream, bag, take, an, my, out of, open, and, it. - Open my bag and take out of it an ice-cream. - Открой мою сумку и вытащи из нее мороженое.
4)ill, bed, when, am, in, I, I am. - When I am ill I am in bed. - Когда я болею, я лежу в постели.
5)parents, very, are, my, kind. - My parents are very kind. - Мои рожители очень добрые.
I like to skate on the rink
In sequined scarf!
Shining eyes and smiling lips!
And perform triple toe!
Then go backwards,then sideways!
Spinning gyroscope mad!
Cornering on coil
I like to jump on the rink!
A landing again slip
Next to the zigzag-Virage!
And let the rink is not the same
Where you waiting for ice mirror.
Asphalt puts it
And weighs a couple of tons.
But it is very dear to me skating rink,
As a fresh breath of air!
And in the hot days of summer
It replaces my skates!