ответ: 2. I play - he plays 3. I watch - he watches
4. I do - he does 5. I read - he reads 6. I write - he writes 7. I fly - he flies
8. I work - he works 9. I wash - he washes 10. I miss - he misses 11. I give - he gives 12. I brush - he brushes. 13. I buy - he buys 14. I teach - he teaches 15. I cry - he cries 16. I go - he goes 17. I sit - he sits. 18. I tidy - he tidies
Объяснение: Мы добавляем окончание s к существительным, чтобы образовать множественное число(a car - two cars). После сочетаний букв -s, sh, -ch, -x мы добавляем окончание -es.(hero - heroes, potato-potatoes) Когда глагол заканчивается на согласную букву + -y, окончание меняется на -ies( penny - pennies, story - stories).
When James was a child, he was rather unusual. He COULD read or write properly, but he CAN draw very well and he drew wonderful pictures. He was really talented because he CAN draw a perfect portrait of a person in thirty minutes.
Now he is a student at an art college and he WILL BE ABLE TO draw different kinds of pictures. Most of all he enjoys painting landscapes. He says that in the past he CAN'T do it because he wasn’t as good at choosing colours as he is now. He is practising really hard and he can spend the whole day painting. He says he will always love art arid in the future he WILL BE ABLE TO paint like the greatest artists of the past.