1. Sally said she was planning to go to Kenya.
2. Anthon said he took his little sister to school every day.
3. Nonna said I might take her textbook.
4. Nick said they were playing in the gym that moment.
5. Mary said she didn't like chocolate.
6. Helen said her sister was ready to go.
7. The girl said her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.
8. The teacher said the birds built their nests among the trees.
9. Jimmy said he wasn't married.
10. Petra said she couldn't read those books. She didn't like them.
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This text is a beginning of a story about two sisters and a brother. Their names are Roberta, Phyllis and Peter. They lived with their Father and Mother in a house with modern conveniences in the suburbs of London.
The parents loved their children very much. Mother was always ready to play with them, and read to them, and help them to do their homework. She also wrote stories for them. Father was perfect too. He was never cross and always ready for a game with his children.
The three children were happy and had everything they needed, such as pretty clothes, a lot of toys, a kind and merry nursemaid and a dog called James.
The family was happy but then something bad happened. It all started on the day when Peter's birthday present - a model engine - went off with a bang. Peter was very upset, he got ill and had to go to bed and stay there.
Этот текст - начало рассказа о двух сестрах и брате. Их зовут Роберта, Филлис и Питер. Они жили с отцом и матерью в доме с современными удобствами в пригороде Лондона.
Родители очень любили своих детей. Мама всегда была готова поиграть с ними, почитать им и сделать домашнее задание. Она также писала для них рассказы. Отец тоже был идеальным. Он никогда не бывал зол и всегда был готов поиграть с детьми.
Трое детей были счастливы и имели все необходимое: красивую одежду, множество игрушек, добрую и веселую няню и собаку по имени Джеймс.
Семья была счастлива, но потом случилось что-то плохое. Всё началось в тот день, когда подарок на день рождения Питера - модель паровоза - взорвался. Питер очень расстроился, он заболел и заболел и слёг в постель.
2. Who did Nina invite to the party?
3. What does this name mean?
4. Who phoned the police?
5. Who did the teacher phone?
6. Who left the bag in the bus?
7. Who took the money?
8. What did Anton leave on the chair?
9. Who is watering the flowers?
10. What are they watering?