Мой любимый десерт - мороженое. Мороженое очень вкусное, сладкое. Это продукт для удовольствия. Я люблю его есть летом, когда очень жарко, а ты наслаждаешься мороженым. Для меня любимых мороженых нет. Все очень вкусные. Но в последнее время я начал есть шоколадное мороженое. Оно очень сладкое и питательное! Я ем холодное мороженое только летом, а зимой я его согреваю в микроволновой печи. Ребята, ешьте мороженое!
My favorite dessert is ice cream. Ice cream is very tasty, sweet. This is a product for pleasure. I love eating it in the summer, when it is very hot, and you enjoy ice cream. For me, there is no favorite ice cream. All very tasty. But lately, I started eating chocolate ice cream. It is very sweet and nutritious! I only eat cold ice cream in the summer, and in the winter I warm it in the microwave. Guys, eat ice cream!
Last month I was at Chatterplace. I had a good time there. I lived in a small but nice room. When it was fine and warm, I went for a walk and played tennis. I helped Miss Chatter to feed the animals. I learned to ride a horse. When it was sunny, I flew a kite in the field. I saw a lot of beautiful places. Once I visited Tiny and listened to his new fairy tale. I liked my holidays. I’ll come back to Chatterplace next year. Would you like to go with me?
Please write back.
Yours, Ben