Talk show with Andrey Malakhov as lead, facing the Channel. Currently, the channel is set from Monday to Thursday except holidays 19:50-21:00 (translation time and the number of days periodically shifts and changes.) In the studio audience and guests discuss everyday problems (divorce proceedings, termination of parental rights) [1] social and mental abnormalities (crime, drug abuse, suicide, prostitution), the problem of national character (attacks [2], migration, international relations).
Hello friend! im writing to you in connection with what my best friend is died. its bad i know but i need to tell it someone. so. i want to know how are you? whats happens in your life since i met your last time? write me soonbye(name)дорогой вася , я хочу рассказать тебе что моя семья сегодня делает. я сейчас сижу и делаю уроки . чтобы получить завтра хорошую оценку . моя мама варит суп вместе с бабушкой . потому что мама не умеет готовить суп .по этому бабушка маме варить суп. дедушка читает утреннюю газету. чтобы знать что происходит в стране . мой папа на работе . он ходит на работу чтобы заработать деньги . надеюсь тебе понравился мой рассказ .твой друг саша .
Five of these sentences have mistakes in perfect tenses. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes.1. My pen friend writes that he has just come back from London. 2. Last week he wrote to me that he has stayed in London for about a week. 3. We knew that our friends had enjoyed the film. 4. Why didn't you tell me that you and Poul have met before? 5. Look! I had made some coffee for you. 6. - Where is Mum? - She just gone out. 7. Did father tell you that he has bought some tickets to the cinema? 8. I read in the newspaper that the President had left the country. 9. She known that i have told her the truth. 10. Mother says that she had always wanted me to be a doctor.