He take a shower.
В present simple вспомагатальные глаголы do/does(если he, she, it) ставишь в начало предложения, дальше идет подлежащее, а затем глагол в первой форме.Например, does he take a shower? Если это отрицание,то перед глаголом(первая форма) ставишь don't/doesn't. Например, he doesn't take a shower.
В past simple все тоже самое, только вспомагательный глагол будет did(didn't).Например, Did he take a shower? He didn't take a shower.
B future simple вспомагательный глагол will/shall(если I, we)Отрицание - shan't, won't.Например, Will he take a shower? He won't take a shower.
Это времена группы simple, если надо все времена или что-то непонятно пиши в личку
Dear Cathy,
Thanks that you've written to me. I'm glad to receive this letter from you! You're a real busy bee and I'm happy that your after-school activities give you a lot of joy and cheerfulness.
Anyway, I agree that taking too many activities will lead you to some problems with school, which is the most important thing for us now. As for me, I spend most of my evenings with my homework. It takes me about three or even more hours to do everything for the next day. I can hardly find something else to do besides homework. My favourite weekdays are Wednesday and Friday because these days are the only ones when I have less homework to be done and I have some free time to go to the swimming pool. I really enjoy it because being in water is very relaxing and calming for me. Anyway, for now it is the only activity I take in my free time. I would also like to take some painting classes with my best friend after school someday.
I'm looking forward for another letter from you.
Best wishes,
-Yes,he did.
2.Did he read the dialogue?
-Yes,he did
3.Did he got a present?
-Yes,he did
4.Did he got up at 7 o clock?
-Yes,he did.