1. Head+ache= headache [ˈhedeɪk]- головная боль
2. Basket+ball=basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]-баскетбол
3. Ice+cream= icecream [ˈaɪskriːm]- мороженое
4. dish+washer=dishwasher [ˈdɪʃwɒʃə]- посудомоечная машина
5. Fire+man= fireman [ˈfaɪəmən]- пожарный
6. foot+hill= foothill [ˈfʊthɪl]- предгорье
7. Glass+door= glass door [glɑːs dɔː]- стеклянная дверь
8. Head+quarters= headquarters [ˈhedkwɔːtəz]- штаб-квартира
9. Ice+box= icebox [ˈaɪsbɒks]- холодильник
10. pick+axe= pickaxe [pɪkæks]- кирка
11. Place+ment= placement [ˈpleɪsmənt]= размещение
12. Pocket+book= pocketbook [ˈpɒkɪtbʊk]- бумажник
13. Pool+room= poolroom [ˈpuːlrum]- бильярдная
14. Sun+rise= sunrise [ˈsʌnraɪz]- восход солнца
15. Swimming+pool= swimming pool [ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl]- плавательный бассейн
16. Washer+woman= washerwoman [ˈwɒʃəwʊmən]- прачка
1. I feel like having a bite.
2. There were four girls sitting on the bench.
3. Shocked by the accident, she failed to fall asleep.
4. The castle, guarded by the volunteers, remained unconquerable.
5. If asked, I’ll tell the truth.
6. They came up to the house, hiding in the dark.
7. With his eyes closed, he was dreaming of seeing her again.
8. There were many abandoned trucks after the earthquake.
9. They got into the hired car and drove off.
10. He’ll never forget speaking to that famous man.