1)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. - Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии расположено на двух больших островах, называемых Британскими островами.
2)The country's shores are washed by Atlantic Ocean, the North sea and the Irish sea. - Берега страны обмываются Атлантическим океаном, Северным морем и Ирландским морем.
3) It is one of the most populated countries in the World. - это одна из самых населённых стран в мире
4)The greater part of the population is urban. - Большая часть населения проживает в городах.
5)Very often the inhabitants of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called Очень часто англичанами называют жителей Соединенного Королевства и Северной Ирландии.
6) The surface of the British Isles varies very much. - Поверхность (ландшафт) Британских островов очень сильно различается.
7)Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes. - Шотландия также знаменита её красивыми озерами.
8) The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country - Соединенное Королевство высокоразвитая индустриальная страна
9)one of the main industries of country is shipbuilding. - одной из главных промышленностей является кораблестроение.
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Creativity is a way to reflect your state of mind. It gives a person a sense of joy and satisfaction. After reading the text by M.L. Moskvitina, you are convinced that creativity and art are not the same thing. To make music, you need an ear for music, so the boy was not taken to the jazz studio. And for doing creative work you don't need anything: “Jazz is not music; jazz is a state of mind. ”Creativity should not be associated with conventions, it should provide an opportunity for self-realization. For example, today right-brain drawing is very common, it makes it possible to reflect the world as we see it, without special education, without observing the rules of chiaroscuro and perspective. Right-brain drawing gives you creative freedom. As a result, a person can draw their mood or experience while experiencing the joy of self-expression. Kazimir Malevich did not enter the art school, although he tried more than once, but we all know him precisely as the author of the painting "Black Square".
Firstly, each lesson in our lyceum is a mini-performance: different presentations, interesting experiments, exciting teachers’ stories and pupils’ discussions. For such lessons we should thank our teachers - the fairest, kindest, cleverest and most sociable people. Secondly, don’t think that we have only classes. Different events take place before, after and during the classes: concerts in connection with different holidays, children’s parties, sport competitions, Olympiads, contests, etc. Even during the usual break the senior students play gaily with the junior students! Each class has its own “bank account” where money is given for good affairs: for the help to the library, for good studying, for keeping the school clean….. At the end of the school year the best classes get sweets and biscuits at the smart Holiday of the School Honour.
Если мало, включи крупный почерк ;)