Introduction In the majority of the countries of the world tourism plays a significant role in economy, stimulation of social development of regions, receipt of funds in the state treasury. About 10 percent of a world gross national product, the world investments, all workplaces and world consumer expenses fall to the share of tourism. Development of tourism makes stimulating impact on such sectors of economy, as transport, communication, trade, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, also makes one of the most perspective directions of restructuring of economy. Since the beginning of the 80th years of the XX century one of priorities of travel is the ecotourism as the tourism as which purpose conservation serves. It forces to speak about a phenomenon of so-called ecological tourism, special sector of tourist area which, by some estimates, already covers more than 10 tourist the market, and rates of its growth by 2-3 times exceed the corresponding rates in all industry of tourism. Here some reasons of so active development of ecotourism 1. In all regions of the world an essential task is preservation of favorable environment. 2 . People for the reasons of an urbanization, industrialization began to feel increasing need in communication with the nature. All this gives ecological tourism. Problems of ecological tourism are considered in works
Две утки и лягушка. Лягушка живет в болоте . Она очень добрая . Но она любит много болтать. Она может болтать с утра до ночи . У неё есть две хорошие подруги . Это две большие утки . Осень наступает . Становится холодно, облачно и ветрено. Пора уткам совершить перелет в Африку. Они любят лето потому что жарко и солнечно. Они не любят зиму потому что идет снег и холодно. Лягушке нарвится лето тоже. Она хочет повидать Африку. Она говорит : "Друзья мои, заберите меня в Африку с вами " -"Хорошо" отвечают утки. Но ты не должна говорить !Не открывай свой рот.! Итак лягушка берет в рот палочку и ставит её по середине. Затем одна утка берет один конец палки , а другая другой конец . Они начинают полет. Это отрывок из рассказа Лягушка- путешественница . What do children see in the sky? The children saw the ducks which were carrying the frog with a stick in her mouth. One duck took one end of the stick and the other duck took the other end . People who saw the frog in the sky carrying by the ducks were astonished. They were shouting: "Look , Look ! The frog in the sky. So the frog couldn't keep from speaking and she said :It is me ! I guessed to do it , to fly with a stick in my mouth! So , she began to speak and fell down on the land.
Чи́ли (исп. Chile, официальное название — Респу́блика Чи́ли — государство на юго-западе Южной Америки, занимающее длинную полосу земли между Тихим океаном и Андами. азвание[править | править вики-текст]Как указывал историк Хосе де Акоста, слово «Chile» на языке кечуа означало «холодный»[4] или же «предел»[5]. По другой версии, так называлась главная долина на территории Чили. Особого внимания заслуживает вопрос о грамматическом роде названия «Чили». Если имеется в виду государство, слово Чили — среднего рода. Если же подразумевается страна («Чили протянулась узкой полосой вдоль Тихоокеанского побережья Южной Америки…»), то — женского.
Chile (Spanish: Chile, the official name -. The Republic of Chile - a country in the south-west of South America, occupying a long strip of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes. name currently [citation needed | edit wiki text]As pointed out by historian José de Acosta, the word "Chile" in Quechua means "cold" [4] or "limit" [5]. According to another version, the so-called main Valley in Chile. Of particular note is the question of the grammatical gender of the name "Chile". If you mean the state, the word Chile - neuter. If it means the country ( "Chile stretches in a narrow strip along the Pacific coast of South America ..."), then -. Feminine
trade, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, also makes one of the most perspective directions of restructuring of economy. Since the beginning of the 80th years of the XX century one of priorities of travel is the ecotourism as the tourism as which purpose conservation serves. It forces to speak about a phenomenon of so-called ecological tourism, special sector of tourist area which, by some estimates, already covers more than 10 tourist
the market, and rates of its growth by 2-3 times exceed the corresponding rates in all industry of tourism. Here some reasons of so active development of ecotourism 1. In all regions of the world an essential task is preservation of favorable environment. 2 . People for the reasons of an urbanization, industrialization began to feel increasing need in communication with the nature. All this gives ecological tourism. Problems of ecological tourism are considered in works