Я люблю гулять в лесу у реки. У него много красивых больших деревьев, так
это всегда круто, даже в жаркие дни. Я думаю, что весна - лучшее время для поездки туда.
Деревья прекрасно смотрятся с новыми зелеными листьями, и там есть ковер синего цвета.
Через лес много маленьких тропинок. Мой любимый путь следует
река, и вы часто видите уток и кроликов там. Есть также олени в
дрова, но они застенчивы, и ты не часто их видишь. Путь выходит на
Главная дорога, так что легко вернуться в город.
Прочитайте описание Кевина еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.
1. Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, there is a danger that it will completely disappear from the face of the earth (become extinct) if it continues to be destroyed because of its skin.
2. She acted as if she did not care. It never crossed his mind how much courage she needed to answer his question. She even hinted that if they had met ten years ago, when they were twenty, things could have turned out differently.
3. The police were told that the man she was looking for was seen getting on a train at the Central Railway Station.
4.Marya looked out the window. She saw a car and some man with a dog. She had not seen this car before, but the silhouette of a man seemed vaguely familiar to her. And the dog was the same one she met a few days ago when she was walking in the park.
5. It would be nice if Tom did not move to the city last year. Now I hardly see him, but he seems to like his life today.
6. A: As for my plan, you just have no choice but to say yes.
Q: Well, but suppose I'm not sure? Suppose I need to decide later? Suppose I understand that I have to go, but I really don't want to?
A: One way or another, no matter what you decide, let me know.
7. A: The task that you set for yourself is absolutely unrealistic. Losing sleep and rest is another step towards complete exhaustion. Although, on the other hand, if you get this job, you probably get a car, right?
Q: Yes, a. Well, I do not know. Then it’s better I don’t need a car.