1.Позвоните в Машиноэкспорт и спросите у секретаря, у себя ли господин Бунин. Скажите ей, что вы хотели бы поговорить с ним.
-Hello, is this Machine Export?
-Good afternoon, yes.
-Excuse me, is Mr. Bunin at the workplace?
-Yes, he is here, but now he is busy.
-I would like to speak with him today. Is it possible?
-Yes, call back in two hours.
2.Позвоните господину Бунину и сообщите ему, что вы хотели бы с ним встретиться и обсудить запрос на котлы.
-Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin.
-Do you remember me? I'm calling to discuss the request for boilers.
-Oh sure. I am ready to talk.
-Great news.
3.Позвоните своему другу и расскажите ему, что у вас теперь новая двухкомнатная квартира со всеми удобствами, в большом доме, в новом районе Москвы.
-Anya, hi!
-Hello how are you? What's new?
-I am fine, how are you? Oh, I have great news, you'll be in shock.
-I'm fine too, thanks. Tell me, do not keep the intrigue.
-Since I recently moved to Moscow, I bought a two-room apartment with all the amenities in a large house in a new area. I invite you to visit!
-I’ll come with pleasure! Wait for me on the weekend!
4.Расскажите своему другу при встрече, что ваши родители живут теперь не за городом, а в Москве. Скажите ему, что у них , хорошая солнечная комната и что у них новая мебель.
-Hello Anya! What an unexpected meeting!
-How do you?
- Great, and you?
-And I. What's new?
- Imagine, my parents now live not in the country, but in Moscow.
-This is wonderful. You will be able to see more often. Do they live with you?
-No, in another apartment. They have a nice sunny room and new furniture.
-I'm very happy for them.
1. It's too dark here. I can't see anything. 2. Can I do something for you? 3. They went nowhere at all during the holiday. 4. It was very disappointing. Absolutely nothing happened. 5. I want to tell you something. 6. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell something burning. 7. It was quiet in the room nobody said anything. 8. Has anyone seen Paul today? 9. Was there anything interesting in the paper yesterday? 10. No one likes to stay in town on a hot day. 11. Everyone was listening to the guide. No one said anything. 12. Speak louder. I don't hear anything. 13. Is anybody going to see the house today? 14. Are you going somewhere today? - No, I am not going anywhere today. I am too tired. 15. Nobody understood the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 16. I know nothing at all. 17.I can't add anything to what I've said. 18. There is somebody waiting for you in the lobby. 19.I don't want anything to eat. 20. He looked at my pictures but didn't say anything. 21. The accident looked serious. Fortunately nobody was injured. 22. That's a very easy question. Anyone can answer it. 23. There is nothing interesting at his exhibition. 24.I don't think there is anybody in the office. 25.1 am bored. I'd like to go somewhere tonight. 26.I left the house without saying anything to her. 27. He's lazy. He never does anything. 28. She's standing over there, near the bookshop. I think she is waiting for someone. 29.I can't find my watch anywhere. I've looked all over the house. 30. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't anybody on it. 31. It's a stupid idea. Ask anyone and they will tell you. 32.I don't know anybody who speaks Chinese.