Носить форму - to wear uniform
Прикладные науки - applied sciences
Иметь хорошие успехи в физике - be good a physics
Получить прибавку к зарплате - get a raise
Изучать социологию - study sociology
Экономика -economic
Быть честным предпринимателем - be an honest entrepreneur
Соблюдать жёсткие сроки - meet tight deadlines
Представлять что-либо (презентация) -
represents anything
Естественные науки - natural sciences
Проводить эксперименты - conduct experiments
Прийти к выводу - come to conclusion
Цел и невредим -safe and sound
My favorite website is Instagram. This is a site where people post their photos. I have been using Instagram for 3 years. I use this website to share my photos and chat with friends.
This site has many advantages. Firstly, it is very popular. People from all over the world are using it. You can communicate with people from other countries. Instagram has different accounts from education to travel. Secondly, this site has many features: photos, videos, chats. Moreover, most of my friends use Instagram.
But it has disadvantages too. There are different functions, but you cannot listen to music here. And as any site, there are ill-wishers here.
In conclusion, I want to say that despite the shortcomings, Instagram is a very useful and user-friendly site.