A: Good evening. World Wildlife Fund.
B: Oh, hello. I've heard you need more people and decided to become a volunteer.
A: That's great! We meet every Saturday to discuss problematic questions. Our work includes help to injured animals and keeping the nature reserves.
B: It's so exciting! But what should I expect if I take part in your organization?
A: Well, we will teach all you need, so you have to be smart enough. You also should be in shape.
B: What will my equipment be like?
A: We supply overalls and vehicles, but you need to take the tools.
B: How can I sign up?
A: We hire volunteers only in our office.
B: OK. What are you going to do in the nearest future?
A: Well, next Sunday we're going to the Olympic to record a short movie about animals that live there.
B: Sounds great! I'm going to you as soon as I can!
A: Good. We're waiting for you
перед глаголами в каждом предложении надо поставить don't
1. I don't have a shower
2.I don't have breakfast
3. My friend and I don't take
4. Lessons don't start
5. We don't finish
6. I don't watch
7. We don't do
8. I don't go
Для образования отрицания в настоящем времени нужен вс глагол do или его форма does.
Полная форма:
I/we/you/they do not глагол
Краткая форма:
I/we/you/they don’t глагол
В Present Simple частица не состоит из вс глагола do или does и частицы not. Чтобы сделать предложение отрицательным, нам надо поставить «не» перед глаголом. То есть, предложение будет строиться по такой схеме:
Действующее лицо + do/does not + действие (глагол в начальной форме). Does мы используем, когда говорим о ком-то одном (he, she, it), а во всех остальных случаях надо употреблять do.
2). When will Max ride his bike?
3) How was the weather?
4). How often does Mag water the flowers?
5). Did Max like his scooter?