Общий: Does he watch tennis on TV on Sunday?
Разделительный: He watches tennis on TV on Sunday, doesn't he?
Альтернативный: Does he watch tennis on TV on Sunday or on Saturday?
Специальный: What does he watch on TV on Sunday?
When does he watch tennis on TV?
What does he do on Sunday?
К подлежащему: Who watches tennis on TV on Sunday?
1 The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock. - Present Simple Passive
2 They will be singing at the club. - Future Continuous Active
3 The actress had returned from the USA. - Past Perfect Active
4 The disco doesn't start at 7 o'clock. - Present Simple Active
5 The doors were painted last week. - Past Simple Passive
6 She will buy a new dress next week. - Future Simple Active