My favourite football player is Igor Akinfeev. Igor Akinfeev was born on April 8, 1986 in the city of Vidnyi, Moscow region. Since childhood, the boy loved football. At the age of four, mum and dad started taking him to his first training sessions. When he was seven years old, the boy was sent to the Youth CSKA. Igor immediately determined his football vocation and stood at the gate. At school Akinfeev regularly played for older teams. At the age of 16, the young goalkeeper graduated from the Moscow CSKA football Academy, and he was immediately invited to the CSKA football team. Goalkeeper and captain of CSKA, he was the main goalkeeper of the Russian national team for many years. In 2005, he was awarded the title of Honored master of sports of Russia. In 2006, he was awarded the Order of Friendship. He is married and has two children. After the home world Cup Igor Akinfeev made a decision to finish his career in the national team of Russia, to which he devoted 14 years of sports life.
Мой любимый футболист - Игорь Акинфеев. Он родился 8 апреля 1986 года в городе Видный Московской области. С детства мальчик любил футбол. В возрасте четырех лет мама и папа начали брать его на первую тренировку. В семь лет мальчика отправили в Молодежный ЦСКА. Игорь сразу определился со своим футбольным призванием и встал у ворот. В школе Акинфеев регулярно выступал за команды старшего возраста. В 16 лет юный голкипер закончил футбольную академию московского ЦСКА, и его сразу приглашают в футбольную команду ЦСКА. Вратарь и капитан ЦСКА, он был основным вратарем сборной России на протяжении многих лет. В 2005 году ему присвоено звание Заслуженного мастера спорта России. В 2006 году награжден Орденом Дружбы. Женат, имеет двоих детей. После чемпионата мира в 2018 году Игорь Акинфеев принял решение завершить карьеру в сборной России, которой он посвятил 14 лет спортивной жизни.
In this essay, I want to tell the pros and cons of my School. Of course, most of all in my school there are advantages. I really like to go there, because it is very interesting in the classroom, and at recess we play games together with the class. All the lessons are very interesting, but each student has their own favorite subject, just like me. I really like the Russian language. Sometimes we have competitions at school and our class always wins, because we are friendly and brave. And in the summer, our school opens a Playground and so instead of a Camp, I go there.
There are not many disadvantages in my school. Sometimes it happens that I may not get a very good mark, but of course it's not about the school, but about me. Not always, but it happens that we are not allowed to run during recess, and I really like outdoor games.