hess is an indoor competitive game played between two players. It is being played in tournaments, online or at home. The origin of chess is traced to India, approximately to the 6th century. The military had four divisions known as "infantry", "cavalry", "elephant" and "chariot". These names are represented in the chess game as: pawn, knight, bishop and the rook respectively. In the 9th century, the game was introduced to Western Europe and Russia.
The chess board is made up of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) and the colors of the squares alternate (dark and light squares). The pieces which are comprised of a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns are in sets black and white. To start the game, white moves first. The pieces are moved one at a time to an occupied square by an opponent"s piece, thereby removing it from play or to a square that is not occupied. However, two pieces are moved simultaneously when castling.
Each chess piece has its own style of moving. The pawn moves one or two steps forward to an unoccupied square but one forward diagonal step to an occupied square. The knight moves in "L" pattern. The bishop moves diagonally. The rook moves horizontally or vertically with as many steps as possible. The queen moves in all directions covering as many squares as possible. And the king moves one step at a time in all directions.
To win the game, the opponent must be checkmated. Checkmate is when king is in check has there is no way to escape. There are occasions that the chess games do not end with a checkmate. Other way the game ends are: draw by agreement, stalemate, threefold repetition of a position, and the fifty-move rule.
1. His sister studies at school. Present Indefinite
2.You will see him tomorrow. Future Indefinite
3. I went to the college at 7 o'clock. Past Indefinite
4. Who took my book? Past Indefinite
5. They work every day. Present Indefinite
6. I shall read this book next week. Future Indefinite
7. We translated this text last lesson. Past Indefinite
8. What books does he usually read? Present Indefinite
9. She will visit you soon. Future Indefinite
10. We shall be good specialists in some years.
Future Indefinite
11. My father went to Moscow yesterday. Past Indefinite
12. Who knows him? Present Indefinite
13. At last she opened the window. Past Indefinite
14. You'll take this book in the library. Future Indefinite
15. Do you often visit your parents? Present Indefinite
16. He knew these words well. Past Indefinite
17. Shall I read this text? Future Indefinite
18. His children like music. Present Indefinite
19. Did they go to the village? Past Indefinite
20. Tomorrow we'll go to the cinema. Future Indefinite
сердце и оценку если все подходит
Lately I often hear the word «nanotechnology». If you ask any scientist, what it is, and what is needed nanotechnology, the answer was short: «Nanotechnology change the habitual properties of the substance. They transform the world and make it better.»
Scientists argue that nanotechnology will be used in very many areas of activity: industry, energy, space exploration, medicine and many other things. For example, tiny nanobots, can penetrate any human cell can quickly treat certain diseases and perform such operations, which even the most skilled surgeon.
Thanks to nanotechnology, there will be «smart house». In them the person practically not have to deal with tedious household chores. On these responsibilities would take a clever things» and «smart dust». People will wear clothing that does not get dirty, moreover, tells the owner that, for example, it's time for dinner, or take a shower.
Nanotechnology will invent computers and mobile phones, which can be placed as a handkerchief, and carried in a pocket.
In short, scientists nanotechnology really intend to significantly transform human life.
What is nanotechnology
What is nanotechnology? And how exactly they can change the properties of things?
The word «nanotechnology» consists of two words - «nano» and «technology.»
«Nano» is a Greek word meaning one billionth part of something, for example, meters. The size of a single atom is a bit smaller than a nanometer. A nanometer is so less than a meter, as far as ordinary горошина less than the earth's globe. If human growth was one nanometer, the thickness of a sheet of paper would have seemed a man equal to the distance from Moscow to the city of Tula, and this is as much as 170 miles!
The word «technology» means the creation of accessible materials that we need.
But nanotechnology is the creation of what a person needs of atoms and groups of atoms (called nanoparticles) with the help of special devices.
Scientists agree that nanoparticles of all, that the size is from one to one hundred nanometers.
There are two types of nanoparticles.
First, a more simple method is the «top-down». The source of the material crushed in a variety of ways until the particle will not nanoscale.
The second is obtaining nanoparticles by combining the individual atoms, «bottom-up». This is a more difficult way, but it is scientists see the future нанотехнодогий.
The first method of obtaining nanoparticles - grinding material until the particle will not nanoscale. The second way of obtaining nanoparticles - Association of atoms in the nanoparticle different ways.
Obtaining nanoparticles in this way is like working with a designer. Only as components are the atoms and the molecules of scientists create new nanomaterials and nanodevices.