Переведите ,,на - почему б тебе не позвонить в справочное бюро? о. за совет. отвезите меня .,в аэропорт. не волнуйтесь.мы приедем вовремя. жаль.самолет приземляется через 10 минут
1 1b 2b 3b 4d 5d 2 1a 2c 3d 4c 5b 3 1a 2b 3c 4a 5b 4 1 was 2 will travel 3 begins 4 was not 5 were 6 will not go, will stay 7 do not, like 8 played 9 when do you usually get up? 10 why does he often dehave... 11 wrote 12 did you born 13 does not work, is 14 will be 15 did you last write 16 did not go, went, was 5 1a 2d 3c 4b 5c 6d 1 1went 2bakes 3will write 4enjoyed 5worked 6prefer 7will you meet 8celebrates 9do you have 10invented 11 did this accident happen 12send 13will get married 14will bring 15has 2 1is 2am 3were 4will be 5are 6will be 7was 8is 9was 10are 3 had, was, grew up, was afraid, met, was,wanted, help, drove, became, drives, takes,enjoys, has, will open, will get married. Клара попала в автомобильную катастрофу в 10 лет. Когда она выросла она боялась машин. Она встретила Брэда, который был проффесиональным гонщиком. Он хотел ей и возил ее на своей машине каждый день. Так через 5 лет Клара тоже стала гонщиком. Сейчас она водит на скорости 200 км/ч и участвует в соревнованиях. Она очень любит водить и имеет много планов на будущее. В следующем году она откроет школу вождения. И Клара и Брэд скоро поженятся. 4 1. This coatdoes not belong to Jane. 2. I don't drive to Moscow once a month. 3. Your boss is not very impudent. 4. The car did't stop near the bank. 5. The soup wasn't delicious. 6. The concert will not start at 7 p.m. 7. Her shoes are not dirty. 8. I didn't bring the curtains for my bedroom. 9. I am not a football fan. 10. Their wedding will not be in spring.
Firstly, it is a war. Due to the proliferation of nuclear weapons on the Earth, which are able to destroy a life on the planet, the problem of war and peace has become global. Secondly, it is the global warming as well as the environmental pollution. Every day the climate of the planet is changing more and more, reserves of fresh water are depleted, the environment is being polluted. All this is the result of human's activities, and if we continue to do this, the death of humanity within a few generations is inevitable. Poverty, famine and homelessness are the causes of death for many years. To date, the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition has reached 1 billion people. It creates a serious threat to the international security. The last thing I would like to say is about endangered species of animals and plants. Their habitats are being destroyed. This is due to global warming, logging, fire, mining. To sum up, it is necessary to make conclusions about the global problems of extinction of organisms.