1. I always study hard for exams. – Я завжди гарно готуюся до іспитів. 2. I always drink tea in the morning. – Я завжди пью чай вранці. 3. He always forgets his keys. – Він завжди забуває свої ключі. 4. I usually wait for you to call. - Я зазвичай чекаю твого дзівінка. 5. Do you usually speak to him like that? – Ви зазвичай говорите з ним так? 6. We usually start work at 8 o’clock. – Зазвичай ми починаємо роботу о восьмій. 7. She sometimes goes out on Friday night. – Іноді вона виходить гуляти у п’ятницю ввечері. 8.I sometimes go to the cinema. – Я іноді хожу у кіно. 9.She never plays football. – Вона ніколи не грає у футбол. 10.He never drinks beer. – Він ніколи не п’є пиво.
1. She is swimming now. – Вона зараз плаває. 2. He is listening to music now. – Він слухає музику зараз. 3. Julie is sleeping at the moment. – Джулі спить на данний момент. 4. I am working at the moment. – Я працюю в данний момент. 5. What are you doing today? - Що ті робиш сьогодні ?
Заполните пропуски словами, оканчивающимися на -body, -one, -thing, -where. 1. I wouldn't like to give any trouble, but we'll have to put off our meeting, I'm afraid. 2. I can't do about it. 3. «I rang up the embassy this morning, but answered the call.» «Oh, I think you dialled the wrong number, Mr Fennell, there's always to answer the calls at the embassy.» 4. Where can I find interesting to read? 5. Has got any other questions to ask me? 6. understands me as well as you do. 7. was congratulating him on his success and he looked happy. 8. Is ready for the talks? 1)anybody 2)anything 3)nobody;someone 4)something 5)anybody 6)nobody 7)everybody 8)anyone
Does she like to spend her free time with her friends or her family
Who likes to spend
She likes to sped ,doesn't she
2. Does he a builder
does he a builder or a doctor
Who is a biulder
he is a builder,doesn't he