1. davids new bicycle blue 2. my children 8 and 6 years old 3. i interesting in baseball. i think its boring. 4. we can walk to the supermarket. it far 5. kate and sandra at the work today because it is a что пишиться в место
I think lots of people needed in help. For example: poor, homeless, sick , old and etc. And i can help them. So i can donate some money for poor, give some food for homeless. I can help old people to across the street. And this is not hard. 2 часть Some people may be offended if you offer help. Think carefully if they truly need and want your help Good always returns. You should make good from the heart. I want to be a doctor because, when i grow up, i'll help sick people. I want to make them happy. Everyone can make a good. if everyone will make a good to people who needs in it, world became better. удачи.
Айдахо Idaho Калифорния California Нью-Джерси New Jersey Айова Iowa Канзас Kansas Нью-Йорк New York Алабама Alabama Кентукки Kentucky Нью-Мексико New Mexico Аляска Alaska Колорадо Colorado Огайо Ohio Аризона Arizona Коннектикут Connecticut Оклахома Oklahoma Арканзас Arkansas Луизиана Louisiana Орегон Oregon Вайоминг Wyoming Массачусетс Massachusetts Пенсильвания Pennsylvania Вашингтон Washington Миннесота Minnesota Род-Айленд Rhode Island Вермонт Vermont Миссисипи Mississippi Северная Дакота North Dakota Виргиния Virginia Миссури Missouri Северная Каролина North Carolina Висконсин Wisconsin Мичиган Michigan Теннесси Tennessee Гавайи Hawaii Монтана Montana Техас Texas Делавэр Delaware Мэн Maine Флорида Florida Джорджия Georgia Мэриленд Maryland Южная Дакота South Dakota Западная Виргиния West Virginia Небраска Nebraska Южная Каролина South Carolina Иллинойс Illinois Невада Nevada Юта Utah Индиана Indiana Нью-Гэмпшир New Hampshire Федеральный округ Колумбия (Вашингтон)
51 штат, названия написал и на русском и на английском
2. are
3. am not
4. is not или isn`t
5. are not или aren`t