1.The are many apples in this basket.
Are there some apples?
2.There is a basket full of apples.
Is there basket full of apples?
3.There are toys for her children.
Are there toys for her children?
4.There are many children in this classroom.
Are there many children in this classroom?
5.There are a lot of books you can read.
Are there books I can read?
there is/are переводится как здесь,к примеру,здесь много яблок ,детей и т.д., соответственно is относится к одному предмету,а are к двоим и больше.
Задание 1
Переведите предложение. Задайте к нему общий вопрос, напишите отрицание.
1. My friend has a nice garden. У моего друга есть хороший сад. Does your friend have a nice garden? - Yes, he does.
2. His garage was in the garden. Его гараж был в саду. Was his garage in the garden? - Yes, it was.
3. The garden will be like a fairy-tale soon. Скоро сад будет похож на сказку. Will the garden be like a fairy-tale soon? - Yes, it will.
4. We had beautiful fruit-trees in the garden. У нас были красивые фруктовые деревья в саду. Did we have beautiful fruit - trees in the garden? - Yes, we did.
Задание 2
Подчеркните сказуемое, в скобках укажите, в каком времени оно стоит. Переведите предложение.
1. They repaired the old furniture. (Past Simple). Они отремонтировали старую мебель.
2. Now they are trying to sell it. ( Present Continious). Сейчас они пытаются продать мебель.
3. Next month we will buy new furniture. (Future Simple). В следующем месяце мы купим новую мебель.
4. He made some shelves himself. ( Past Simple). Он сделал несколько полок сам.
5. She was painting the shelves. ( Past Continious). Она красила полки.
Задание №1
1. Parents take great care FOR their children
2. MR.Laurence watches AT us like a motherly old hen.
3. Hannah treats Margaret respect
4. Give my dearest love TO father.
5. Mrs. Negrescu"s nephew graduated from Balti University in 1995
Задание №2
1. it"s more important for friends to have simular characters than similar interest.
2. Frequent arguments are a good sign in a friendship.
3. Friends will only stay friends if they meet frequently.
4. In many ways, friends are more important than family.
5. It"s only possible to have one or more real/good friends.
6. A friend should be trustworthy and that means they"ll always tell you the truth.
7. A deep friendship is like a good marriage.
8. In the best of friendship there must be trust, confidence and respect.
9.Do you know that friendship is also good for your health?