Most of all I have free time at the weekends. So I spend them greatly and I can say that they are ideal if I involve myself in different kinds of occupations. So my last ideal weekends were two months ago. I got up early in the morning, quickly had my breakfast and ran to my friend. Together we discused a football match that we had seen the previous evening. We are great fans of football. When I came home it was already afternoon. I and my parents decided to go to the forest to have a picnic with our relatives. I like to prepare meat on the fire very much. So I was totally occupied with it. We played football there.We had two teams. One of parents and the second of children. And of course we children won the game. We were really happy. We had a rest in the forest and enjoyed the nature. I can surely say that I had ideal weekends.
I like summer holidays very much! It`s time to rest, to have fun and to travel.
This summer I walked a lot with my friends in the yard and in the park. We played with ball, skipped and roller-skated. As the summer was extremely hot, we went to the river and swam with my Mum, Dad and little sister every evening.
Luckily, I had enough time for my favorite activity - reading. I even took some books with me when I went to seaside with my Granny. And when I came back home from my holiday, there was a gift in my room - a new bike! You can`t imagine for how long time I`ve dreamt about it!
Summer is magic time and all my dreams came true this summer!
Мне очень нравятся летние каникулы! Пришло время отдыхать, веселиться и путешествовать.
Этим летом я много гулял с друзьями во дворе и в парке. Мы играли с мячом, прыгали и катались на роликовых коньках. Поскольку лето было очень жарким, мы отправились на реку и каждый вечер плавали с мамой, папой и маленькой сестрой.
К счастью, у меня было достаточно времени для моего любимого занятия - чтения. Я даже взял с собой несколько книг, когда я отправился на побережье с моей бабушкой. И когда я вернулся домой из своего отпуска, в моей комнате был подарок - новый велосипед! Вы не можете себе представить, как долго я об этом мечтал!
Лето - волшебное время, и все мои мечты сбылись этим летом!