Firstly, I like swimming very much, so twice a week I go to the swimming pool. Sometimes my friends and I take part in swimming competitions. Secondly, I enjoy reading detective stories. I have read all the stories about Sherlock Holmes. I like going to the library and choosing books to borrow.
I dislike going shopping and I hate waiting in queues.
Во-первых, я очень люблю плавать, поэтому два раза в неделю я хожу в бассейн. Иногда мы с друзьями принимаем участие в соревнованиях по плаванию. Во-вторых, мне нравится читать детективные истории. Я прочитал все рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. Мне нравится ходить в библиотеку и выбирать книги для чтения.
Я не люблю ходить по магазинам и ненавижу стоять в очередях.
My name is Mikhailova Elena Dmitrievna. I live in Cheboksary. I study at the Nizhny Novgorod State University of engineering and Economics. (Тут не путай с Present Continuous). I am a student first-year of the group nineteen FROM. My mom's name is Olga Valentinovna Mikhailova, she is a doctor of technical sciences, and she is also works at the Nizhny Novgorod State University of engineering and Economics. (Тут принадлежность, т.е моя мама имеет имя (has)). My father's name is Mikhailov Dmitry Vladimirovich, he works at the bakery in Cheboksary. I also have brother, my brother's name is Yaroslav. He is special guy (можно сказать и boy) since he was diagnosed with autism :(. I also have a lot of Pets, a dog and four cats. Now, they are all at the dacha, together with their mother and brother in connection with the coronavirus. I really like learning from you.
Как-то так. Без переводчика и своими словами ;)