8. It was a really C) terrifying experience. 9. Afterwards everybody was C) shocked.
A) terrified, shocking
B) terrified, shocked
C) terrifying, shocked
D) terrifying, shocking
9. A) Her hair is blonder than A) yours.
A) Her/yours
B) Her/your
C) Hers/yours
D) Hers/your
10. A) This is not easy questions to answer.
A) This is
B) This are
C) These is
D) These are
11. The hotel C) where we stayed was very comfortable.
A) that
B) which
C) where
D) when
12. B) whom/C) who was the letter signed by? Оба могут быть.
A) what
B) whom
C) who
D) whose
13. Mozart was born in 1756 D) seventeen fifty six.
A) one seven fifty six
B) seventy and fifty six
C) seventeen fivety six
D) seventeen fifty six
14. It is D) the eighth time he comes here.
A) the eight
B) eight
C) eighth
D) the eighth
My name is Mike.
Where are you from Mike?
I'm from USA.
How many languages do you speak?
My national language is American English but I also speak French and Spanish.
Wow you are polyglot!
Not really. And what languages do you speak?
My national language is Russian because as you already know I'm from Russia but I also speak English and a bit Chineese.