Не is very handsome man. He has got dark hair. His hair -cut is cool and modern. He's green-eyed. His look is calm and magnetic, in a way. His eyelashes are long and fluffy. He has got small mouth. His nose isn't very big. He has got small ears. There is a gold ear-ring on his ear. He has got nice smile because of his white teeth. He is not very tall. He has well-proportioned figure.
Очень красивый мужчина. У него темные волосы. Стрижка у него классная и современная. У него зеленые глаза. Его взгляд по-своему спокоен и притягателен. Ресницы у него длинные и пушистые. У него маленький рот. Нос у него не очень большой. У него маленькие уши. На ухе у него золотая серьга. У него хорошая улыбка из-за его белых зубов. Он не очень высокий. У него хорошо
My friends and I have a very good time in the Park. We have a lot of fun. There is an ice cream parlor here. There are chocolate, strawberries, etc. there are many different carousels in the Park. We went around almost everyone. And even on some of them twice. There are carousels for both young children and older children. There is also a Museum of paintings in the Park. There are very interesting, original and beautiful paintings and photos. There is also a mini Aqua Park in the Park. It's also very fun.
Во втором предложении нужно так писать:"this famous sportsman breakS world records every year". BreakS, потому что sportsman- это он, значит надо писать с окончанием s на конце break! ;)