Take my book I take two friends to the cinema I take my pen into the table John, take please for me one piece of bread I take a pencil I take out the rubbish I take a chair I take an armchair I take a workbook I take John to go with me to school Take for me please a book Take for me a cup of tea Take for me a cup of cofee
Take my bag, take me to the park, take her present, take this sweets,take our bottle,can i take this?,take her from car, please take this,take her homework take my clothes, take my car, take this cat.
Richard Barker rodilsya v sem'ye fermera. On provel svoi pervyye gody na ferme svoyego ottsa. Oni vsegda bylo mnogo zhivotnykh. Richard obychno pomogal svoim roditelyam rabotal na ferme. On chasto sprashival yego otets voprosy o svoikh zhivotnykh i poluchili otvety. Richard byl zainteresovan v meditsine. On khotel znat', kak pomoch' zhivotnym. No yego mechta, chtoby uznat', kak pomoch' lyudyam: on khotel stat' Doktor, detskiy doktor. Kogda Richard bylo vosemnadtsat' let, on pokinul svoy dom v London i otpravilsya v Londonskiy universitet. Yego universitetskiye gody byli samyye schastlivyye gody svoyey zhizni. On sdelal to, chto on lyubil i naslazhdalsya etim. Kogda Richard byl 26, on vstretil Margaret. Oni pozhenilis' i shlyapa dvoye detey - mal'chik i devochka. Theyare schastlivaya sem'ya. Seychas Richard Barker rabotayet v novoy bol'nitse v Londone. On lyubit svoyu rabotu i delayet zamechatel'nuyu kar'yeru. Deti i ikh roditeli, kak yego ochen' mnogo, potomu chto on ochen' khoroshiy Doktor
Richard Barker was born into a farmer's family. He often asked his father questions about his animals and got answers.But his dream was to learn how to help people: he wanted to become a doctor, a children's doctor.When Richard was eighteen, he left his home for London and went to London University. When Richard was 26, he met Margaret. They got married and hat two children - a boy and a girl.Now Richard Barker is working in a new hospital in London.Children and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doctor.
I take two friends to the cinema
I take my pen into the table
John, take please for me one piece of bread
I take a pencil
I take out the rubbish
I take a chair
I take an armchair
I take a workbook
I take John to go with me to school
Take for me please a book
Take for me a cup of tea
Take for me a cup of cofee