1. When I saw his new bicycle, I was green with envy. - Когда я увидел его новый велосипед, я ему позавидовал.
2. After the fight, the one of the boys had a blue eye. - После драки у одного из мальчишек был синяк под глазом.
3. I'd like to live in a hot country when I'm old and grey. - Я бы хотел жить в жаркой стране, когда я буду старым и седым.
4. I think we should be especially kind to Sue because she's feeling blue. - Я думаю, мы должны быть особенно добры к Cью, потому что она грустит.
5. When the football broke the window, my dad really saw red. - Когда футбольный мяч разбил окно, мой отец пришел в ярость.
Optimism - a look at life from a positive point of view, confidence in a better future. Optimism holds that the world is great, in any situation there is, everything will turn out well, all the people in general horoshie.Izvestnym contrasting example of optimism and pessimism is the human judgment of a glass filled with water or other liquid exactly half. It is believed that the optimist believes that this glass is half full, as opposed to the pessimist, who believes that the glass is half pust.Yavlyaetsya opposite pessimism.
2) He will go to Great Britian next year.
3) The Smiths visited Russia last month.
4) Next week we`ll have a party. I`ll be a rabbit.
5) Jack speaks English well.
6) English is the second lesson today.
7) Who is the best tennis-player in the class.
8) Yesterday I saw a new film. The film was bad.
9) Last month he bought an interesting book.He gave the book to me.
10) I shall put on a/the (оба варианта приемлемы) new coat. The coat is black and white.