Your sister isn’t lazy, is she? You found my keys, didn't you? I am very smart, aren't I? Jack didn’t pass his exams, did he? Our love will last forever, won't it? You have never been to China, have you? Sandra has already got up, hasn't she? My coffee and croissants are not cold, are they? They won’t spend all their money, will they? Tim is fond of table tennis, isn't he? This palace was built in the 16th century, wasn't it? Her son often rides a horse in the country, doesn't he? You prefer seafood, don't you? The students don’t speak French, do they? She can’t play the violin, can she? We must talk to our neighbors, must'n we? The train must not arrive late, must it?
Число, страну и город напишешь сам_а? Dear Ben, I was glad to hear that you have visited the UK! I think it's wonderful. Speaking about me, I never been in the United Kingdom, but I dream about this. Well, I really like travelling. To my mind, it's the best way to explore the world, you know. I visited the Finland recently. It was so great. Answering to your question, in summer I plan to visit the Finland again. Sorry, I need to go, because I promised to my mom to help her in kitchen. Hope to hear from you soon! With all the love, /твое имя/
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