Вэтом городе 5 школ. в этом городе 6 банков. в этом городе есть 3 гостиницы .в этом городе много туристов. здесь есть 5 музеев здесь есть 10 ресторанов. здесь есть зоопарк. предложения поставить в утверждение, отрицание и вопрос на языке
In this city five schools This city has a 5 schools? In this city there are no 5 schools In this city six balconies This city has a 6 balconies? In this city there is no 6 balconies In this city tree hotels This city has 3 hotels? In this city there are no 3 hotels In this city many tourists This city has many tourists? In this city there are no many tourists There are five museums There are has 5 museums? There are no 5 museums There are ten restaurants There are has 10 restaurants? There are not 10 restaurants There are zoo There is has a zoo? There is not a zoo
Are there 5 schools in this city? there are (not) 5 schools in this city. are there 6 banks in this city? there are (not) 6 banks in this city. are there 3 hotels in this city? there are (not) 3 hotels in this city. are there 5 museums here? there are (not) 5 museums here are there 10 restaurants here? there are (not) 10 restaurants here. is there a zoo here? there is (not) a zoo here. are there many tourists in this city? There are (not) many tourists in this city.
1. яка повна назва великобританії? ( сполучене королівство великої британії та північної ірландії) 2. з скількох адміністративно-політичних частин складається велика британія? (4) 3. яка столиця країни? ( лондон) 4. хто очолює країну ? ( королева єлизавета ii) 5. яка офіційна мова країни? ( ійська) 6. яке місцев світі за військовими витратами займає країна? (3) 7. скільки заморських територій має сполучене королівство? ( 14) 8. яким океаном сполучене королівство? ( атлантичним океаном) 9. якими морями сполучене королівство? ( північним та ірландським морями) 10. яка площа країни? ( 244 101 км² )1. what is the full name of the uk? (united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)2. with how many administrative and political components of the united kingdom ? (4)3. what is the capital of the country ? (london)4. who heads the country? ( queen elizabeth ii)5. what is the official language of the country? (english)6. what placein world in military spending takes the country? (3)7. how many overseas territories is the united kingdom ? (14)8. what ocean is surrounded by the united kingdom ? ( atlantic ocean)9. what seas surrounded by a united kingdom ? (north and irish seas )10. what is the area of the country? (244 101 km ²)
At 9 o'clock 07 minutes 12 April 1961 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (to the east of the Aral Sea) on a spaceship "Vostok" (weight - 4725 kg, orbital period -. 89.1 minutes, the maximum distance from the Earth - 302 km). After 108 min. Gagarin space flight safely landed on the left bank of the Volga River near the village of Smelovka Tarnovo district of Saratov region (20 km south-west from the city of Engels). His flight Gagarin 3 set new world records: altitude in space, duration of flight in space and carrying capacity of the spacecraft with a man on board. Gagarin's flight was marked as a historic event peoples of the world. Gagarin was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 6th convocation.
This city has a 5 schools?
In this city there are no 5 schools
In this city six balconies
This city has a 6 balconies?
In this city there is no 6 balconies
In this city tree hotels
This city has 3 hotels?
In this city there are no 3 hotels
In this city many tourists
This city has many tourists?
In this city there are no many tourists
There are five museums
There are has 5 museums?
There are no 5 museums
There are ten restaurants
There are has 10 restaurants?
There are not 10 restaurants
There are zoo
There is has a zoo?
There is not a zoo