Healthy food is much better and healthier than fast food. In healthy food there are a lot of useful and necessary for the body substances and vitamins. Most people consider home-made food the most delicious. Fast food contains a lot of harmful substances, dyes and preservatives. They are harmful for our health. Every day it is desirable to eat fruits, vegetables and berries. And also to drink clean water about 2 liters a day. It is better to cook the food yourself. This makes the whole family to be more friendly. Besides you save money. With the money you spend in a cafe or restaurant, you can buy a lot of tasty and healthy products and cook, for example, the same French fries at home and not in such large amount of oil. You should watch what and when you eat and then no problems will bother you. .
Masha likes to watch shows on TV.
We gather berries in the wood in summer.
Mike waters the flowers three times a week.
He usually drinks tea in the morning.
I prefer to stay at home in the evening.
Rita never wears a scarf in winter.
Fred spends winter holidays in the mountains.
They sometimes go to the theatre.
Susan usually reads a book on Wednesday.
It often rains in autumn.
Task 2. Відкрийте скобки, та запишіть речення у Past Simple
They were at the exhibition last Friday.
We saw strange object in the sky.
The baby was scared by a big dog.
You wrote a wonderful essay.
Bob put the money into his pocket.
I gave him this book last week.
They walked slowly along the street.
The children played in the swimming pool.
His sister made a model ship two days ago.
She bought tomatoes in the supermarket.
In our country there is a special day for women — it is called International Women's Day. It is an official holiday. We celebrate it on the 8th of March. The holiday symbolizes the fight of women from all over the world for their rights, equality with men, democracy and peace, but for most people in my country it is simply a women's holiday.
On this day men usually give flowers and small gifts to the women in their lives – mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends, daughters, colleagues and friends. In some families there is a tradition that husbands do the housework on this day, such as washing the dishes, doing the shopping, cooking dinner and looking after their children, and their wives can enjoy a full day of rest.
The traditional way to celebrate this holiday is to have a special dinner at home among family and friends.
В нашей стране есть особый день для женщин — он называется Международный женский день. Это официальный праздник. Мы празднуем его 8 марта. Этот праздник символизирует борьбу женщин всего мира за свои права, равенство с мужчинами, демократию и мир, но для большинства людей в моей стране это просто женский праздник.
В этот день мужчины обычно дарят цветы и небольшие подарки женщинам в их жизни: матерям, женам, сестрам, подругам, дочерям, коллегам и друзьям. В некоторых семьях существует традиция, согласно которой в этот день мужья выполняют работу по дому, например, моют посуду, покупают продукты, готовят и присматривают за детьми, а их жены могут наслаждаться целым днём отдыха.
Традиционный отпраздновать этот день — это устроить особый ужин дома среди семьи и друзей.