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25.07.2021 02:16 •  Английский язык

Поставить 5 вопросов к тексту ( по одному вопросу каждого типа) education is not mentioned in the constitution, nor is there any federal department of education, so the matter is left to individual states. education is free and compulsory in all states, however, from the age of 6 till 16 or 18. so, most american children go to state schools. in the usa these are called public schools. there are also some private schools, which are usually supported by religious organizations. at 6 years of age children begin the first year of elementary school, which is called "grade 1" or "first grade" (the second year is "grade 2", at elementary school the emphasis is placed on the basic skills — speaking, reading, writing and arithmetic, though the general principle throughout the american school system is that children should be helped and encouraged to develop their own particular interests. children move on to high school in the seventh grade, where they continue until the twelfth grade. there are two basic types of high school: one with a more academic curriculum, preparing students for admission to college, and the other offering primarily vocational education (training in a skill or trade). the local school board decides which courses are compulsory. there is great freedom of choice, however, and an important figure in high schools is the guidance counselor, who advises the students on what courses to take on the basis of their career choices. tare no national exams, although some schools and states have their own exams. generally examination is given by continuous assessment, which means that teachers assess children throughout the year on how well they do in tests, classroom discussions and written and oral work. in order to receive the high school diploma necessary in most states to get into college, students must accumulate a minimum number of credits, which are awarded for the successful completion of each one- or half-year course. students hoping to be admitted to the more famous universities require far more than the minimum number of credits and must also have good grades (the mark given on the basis of a course work and a written examination). some colleges and universities require the students to take the sat (scholastic aptitude test). extra-curricular activity (such as playing for one of the school's sports teams) is also very important in the american school system and is taken into consideration by colleges and employers. public education: historical review the history of education in the united states has certain peculiarities which are closely connected with the specific conditions of life in the new world and the history of the american society. the early colonies and different politics of education for the first white settlers who came to north america from europe in the 17th century brought with them the educational ideas of the time most typical of the countries they represented. in virginia and south carolina, for example, education was entirely private. the children of the rich either had tutors or were sent to europe for schooling. many of the children of poor parents had no education at all. in pennsylvania, new jersey, and new york many of the schools were set up and controlled by the church. in massachusetts, which was much more developed at that time, three educational principles were laid down: 1) the right of the state or colony to require that its citizens be educated; 2) the right of the state to compel the local governmental divisions, such as towns and cities, to establish schools; and 3) the right of the local government to support these schools by taxation. at the very beginning, school buildings were often rough shacks. they were poorly equipped with a few benches, a stove, and rarely enough textbooks. discipline was harsh, and corporal punishment was frequent. the program of studies consisted largely of reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and bible lessons. since each community was responsible for solving its own educational problems, there was no attempt to find a common standard of excellence. even the constitution of the united states, ratified in 1789, contained no direct mention of education. the schools of the early 1800s were not very different from those of the pre-revolutionary period. some historians consider that they actually deteriorated in the three or four decades following the american revolution, for the new country turned its attention to the development of its land, cities, and political institutions. and yet, in attempt to generate interest in education, a number of communities continued founding schools.

1.  Is education free in all States? 2. At what age do children start school? 3. Were the first school richly or poorly equipped? 4. The schools of the early 1800s were not very different from those of the pre-revolutionary period, were they? 5. What is usually supported by religious organizations?
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Ordinary fox - one of the most famous inmates of our forests . With a modest size , it still is a close cousin of the wolf and has a no less predatory disposition. So, what kind of animal red fox : a description of the animal, its habits , nutrition and economic value are set out below .Appearance FoxAll canines have total contrast - pointy ears and snout, thin legs , nevtyazhnye claws and a bushy tail . Fox tail is also used as a " blanket" , covering their nose and front legs during sleep in the winter .Generally red fox - an animal of medium size with a long, very beautiful tail and large pointed ears . Breast foxes white, body length of 60-90 cm, 50-60 cm tail ears on the back side is black and white tail tip , and there are black spots on the legs. Color red , sometimes with a dark cross on his shoulders.Color and size of foxes differ in varying terrain. In total there are 40-50 subspecies , there are also smaller forms . In general , as you move north foxes are bigger and brighter on the south - are smaller and dimmer. But this is the most common color: bright red back , white belly , dark paws . Foxes often have brown stripes on the blades and spine , similar to the cross.Molting foxes begins in the spring - in February-March and ends in late summer. After this, she immediately starts to grow thick winter fur , which the animal is fully clothed in November or early December . During this period, she is the most red, animal similar colors in our forests anymore. The summer fur is always more rare and short, and winter , on the contrary , more dense and lush.Distribution and behaviorRed fox lives everywhere except in the Arctic tundra and some islands . In areas with snowy winter she tries to avoid continuous taiga arrays.Fox , like most predators do not usually hunt near his lair.
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Computers offer wonderful opportunities for everybody. Many teenagers enjoy using their computers. They make new friends and chat with them on the Internet.  

But on the other hand, children who spend a lot of time at the computer, spend little time in the open air, they have virtually no real communication with peers. Many teachers in schools note the limited knowledge of children, lack of interest in reading books. Children sit in front of their PC or laptop (notebook) for hours and it’s bad for their eyes! They can’t stop playing cruel and silly games and become nervous and tired. The computer is sometimes a mere waste of time. Parents are concerned that the children using the Internet are not protected from negative information, which can be found on many sites. Computers are dangerous and addictive.

But besides many disadvantages in using the computer by children, there are of course some advantages too.

Regarding the education of children on the Internet children can find all the necessary information that is not given even in the textbooks. The main condition - to be able to properly use the Internet resources, then the child will only benefit from the computer. Then the Internet helps greatly in children’s studies. They find the necessary information and ideas on the net and use them in their work. The computer helps you both to relax and to get a lot of new interesting information.       To my mind it’s a useful gadget.

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