1) Yesterday I was at home. 2) Last week went to grandmother's party. 3) She saw it. 4) I felt guilty about it. 5) The ship "Victory" sank. 6) He sang a beautifully song. 7) Mary send me a letter last week. 8) They broke a window. 9) I abode your opinion. 10) I awoke up last night. 11) She bear him. 12) Andy became famous. 13) We began learn a new language. 14) I bet my life from you. 15) She brought a cat at home. 16) Peter build a house. 17) They burnt woods. 18) Yes, they could. 19) She caught a bird. 20) Oh, he choose me. 21) Lee came to me. 22) I hurt my fingers last month. 23) I cut fish yesterday in a salat. 24) Yes, I did my homework. 25) It drew nearer. 26) I dreamt about ice cream. 27) Jack drank a tea. 28) She drove very carefully. 29) No, shawn ate last night. 30) I felt last night from my bed
1)His father was in trade. - Его отец был торговцем.
2)I will carry the secret to my grave. - Я унесу эту тайну в могилу.
3)The rock was dynamited - Скала была взорвана.
4)Their devotion to their sovereign is staunch. - Их преданность своему господину непоколебима.
5)The dog buried her bone. - Собака закопала свою кость.
6)The decision is still hanging. - Решение всё ещё не принято.
7)He hoped that his enterprise would have a prosperous issue. - Он надеялся, что исход этого предприятия будет благополучным.
8)There was a picturesque outlook on all sides. - Со всех сторон открывался живописный вид.
9)We live on a modest budget. - Мы живём на скромный бюджет.
10)You look smart. - Вы выглядите очень элегантно
11)Your hour has struck. - Твой час пробил.
12)I could hear the rain striking the rooftop. - Я слышал дождь, стучавший по крыше
13)The cage should be lined with straw. - Клетка должна быть выстелена соломой.
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