The British Museum was founded in 1753 and the foundation was laid her private collection of physician Hanse Sloan . Thanks to donations and gifts collection eventually grew to more than 6 million assembly exhibits different eras.
I'm a big fan of the Internet. Internet is really big favor and find almost all the information is much easier to help him. You can communicate with people from other countries, to talk to them and see them. As the Internet helps to find new friends in social networks. It is also good for the students, who can get help in lessons. Plus, it can be read free e-books, if there is no possibility to buy a printed book. The only problem is that on the Internet there are a lot of useless information, particularly for children. In short, the Internet - is a good thing, but only when you use it for good and not so much.
Bison - the largest animal amongst mammals. Its weight reaches up to a ton. One is struck by the disproportionate development of the front and back of the animal. The front end is more powerful and vyshe.Zubry run away from the man, when seeing him from a distance, as if they saw him suddenly close, with a high probability can throw. Meeting with bison dangerous escape from it is almost impossible to escape. His movements are quick, impulsive, and running is not as heavy as in the home of a bull.