Мое любимое время года-лето. Потому что летом самые длинные каникулы и очень тепло. Летом можно ездить на моря. Еще можно гулять в разные игры. Это очень весело!! По этому я люблю лето.
I have been waiting here for 2 hours! Я прождал здесь два часа!
We have been preparing for our exam since morning. Мы готовились к экзамену с самого утра. Students are writing the control test. Студенты пишут контрольную работу. I have been living in Kiev since 1975. — Я (уже) живу в Киеве с 1975 года. How long have you been studying Spanish? — Сколько времени ты (уже) учишь испанский? I’ve been doing my work for three weeks. — Я делаю мою работу уже три недели.
Jim is repairing his motorcycle. Джим ремонтирует свой мотоцикл. Ms Smith is having talks now. He will free in an hour. У мистера Смита сейчас переговоры. Он освободится через час. We are learning a Spanish poem now. It is hard but we are trying to learn it thoroughly. Мы заучиваем сейчас испанское стихотворение. Оно трудное, но мы пытаемся выучить его основательно. My wife is baking an apple pie. Моя жена печёт яблочный пирог.
Brigitte is very beautiful. She has a nice figure and fair hair. Her features are delicate and full of charm. She wears fashionable clothes. She is not very clever but she can be quite smart sometimes. She is also very emotional and can easily start crying. She likes clubbing and having fun with friends. She is also rather naive because she easily believes that all men are in love with her. But in fact she very lonely and suffers a lot about it. Brigitte is also very impatient and likes to be praised. If she does not get what she wants, she becomes sad.