Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799 in Moscow, Russian Empire. His father descended from an ancient but impoverished dvornskogo roda.Mat - Nadia Hannibal, was the granddaughter of Peter 1 employee.
1. English learning is very important nowadays. 2. First of all, English is international language and most people of the planet speak English. 3. Secondly, many employers require knowledge of English. 4. Then, it is very important to know English if you are planning to go abroad. 5. As far as last researches state, language learning helps to broaden your mind. 6. I personally would like to travel around the world. 7. My dream is to see the most favorite touristic sights like Niagara Waterfalls, the Great Wall, the Eiffel Tower and many others. 8. Traveling around the world couldn’t be imagined without knowing of foreign language and English particularly. 9. Another solid reason for me to learn English is to try foreign dishes and cuisine of different countries. English knowledge is vital nowadays, as if you don’t know English, then you considered as a churl.
Не умею я писать на русском, всегда сразу на английском сочиняю. Интернет перевести на русский. Поздно я увидел русский текст. Видимо, пока сочинял, вы и написали русский.
Cabbage leaves and seeds are used in therapeutic goals. If your legs hurt wrap them in a cabbage leave and put on socks. The pain will go within an hour. Cabbage is helpful for stomach and figure. Cabbage also is a precious element of a diet meal. Cabbage juise is a make up remedy. This juise is used for washing and different masks. There are a lot of different sorts of cabbage. In a wild cabbage is not like we are used to see it. Cabbage grows up nearly in all climatic regions of Russian, Ukraine and Belarus. For cabbage cleaning are used harvesters. In the the USSR was used harvester NSC - 1. Cabbage is used all year round for cooking snacks, first and second dishes. Cabbage is used for baking, cooking borsch. It is an advertisment of products of an agriculture. It's an advertised product