Thirty Seconds to Mars [θɜ ː ti 'sɛk (ə) nds tu ː mɑ ː z] in the lane. from English. 30 Seconds to Mars ) - American rock band from Los Angeles , California, performing alternative rock. Founded in 1998 by brothers Jared and Shannon Leto . The band name was taken from an article by former participants of the Harvard professor , where there was talk about technological progress , in which mankind literally would soon " in thirty seconds from Mars " . It is interesting to note that even at the speed of light minimum distance from Earth to Mars ( during the confrontation ) can not be overcome in less than 3 minutes
My granny knits My granny is knitting. My granny has knitted My granny has been knitting for 2 hours. My granny will knit. My granny will have been knitting at this time tomorrow. My granny knitted yesterday. My granny was knitting. My granny had been knitting when I came in. My granny would have been knitting. My granny would knit if she were healthy. The sweater is knitted by my granny. The sweater was knitted by my granny The sweater will be knitted by my granny. The sweater has been knitted by my granny.
друзей много – шире дорога. где нет дружбы, там нет успеха. дерево крепко корнями, человек – друзьями. малую беду еда подавляет, большую – друг. цену куска хлеба в голод узнаешь, цену настоящей дружбы азбука — к мудрости ступенька. век живи — век учись без муки нет науки.книга — книгой, а своим умом двигай чтенье — лучшее ученье человек без родины – что соловей без песни.родина - мать, умей за нее постоять. своя земля и в горсти мила.на родной стороне и камешек знаком. лупа та птица, которой свое гнездо не мило.