BUZZ! goes the bee, Hour after hour, BUZZ! goes the bee From flower to flower. Sucking out the nectar Flying it home. Storing up the nectar In the honeycomb BUZZ! goes the bee, Making honey so sweet. Bee makes the honey That I love to eat! . может этот
Life on Earth originated about 3,000 million years ago, they started with tiny unicellular suschevstv. But only about 220 million years ago, as evidenced by the brand at the top end of the scale there was the time, the picture of the evolution of dinosaurs on Earth. Not all types of dinosaurs lived on the earth in the same period, with the passage of time, some have died, while the model for the evolution of the other. But overall, the dinosaurs lived on Earth about 160 million years ago. When compared with the period eetim people on Earth, it seems extremely short. In fact, during the reign of the dinosaurs of the last 50 times longer than the time that has elapsed since the appearance of man to the present. Therefore, the human figure at the bottom of the timeline was like a little piece. Humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries, they "missed" during the period.
Dinosaurs walked the earth for over 165 million years. They lived during a period of time known as the Mesozoic Era, or Age of Reptiles. At the end of the Cretaceous Period they became extinct – that was around 65 million years ago. During this time there was a great deal of volcanic activity and many earthquakes. Many people believe that dinosaurs became extinct because an asteroid hit the earth changing the climate dramatically. It is believed that dinosaurs couldn’t adapt to these changes. The word dinosaur means terrifying lizard. This name was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842. The oldest known dinosaur is Eoraptor, a meat-eater that lived 228 million years ago. Most dinosaurs hatch from eggs, and they could not fly or live in water.
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