1. The children supported charity organizations helping children in need.
They sent money to UNICEF.
(Они поддерживали организации нуждающимся детям)
2. Children decided to contribute to the charity because they felt sorry for the poor children and they wanted to try to help in the way they could.
(Им стало жалко бедных детей и они захотели оказать свою
3. They organized different actions or took part in projects, they created the internet site and involved other volunteers. (Организовывали разные проекты или участвовали в них, привлекали других в волонтеры)
4. Schoolchildren and their teachers were involved in the fundraising project.
They raised 650 pounds and were proud of it.
1. The digestive system begins with the mouth (Пищеварительная система начинается со рта)
2. The major function of the urinary system is to remove urine. (Главная функция мочевой (выделительной) системы - удалять мочу)
3. The nervous system is one of the most complex systems of all human body. (Нервная система одна из самых сложных систем во всем человеческом теле)
4. The lymph and the blood are liquid tissues of body. (Лимфа и кровь - жидкие ткани организма)
5. The musculoskeletal system includes muscles, bones and joints. (Опорно-двигательный аппарат включает мышцы, кости и суставы)
ten toes
small nose
eyes are green
the mouth is red