В этом задании нужно использовать третью форму глагола (Ved; отмечено жирным) в форме Present Perfect (т.е. по формуле: has/have + Ved) и употребить её так, чтобы логически подытожить данные ранее высказывания (чит. силлогизмы). Как известно, есть правильные и неправильные глаголы — поэтому где-то мы используем т.н. супплетивизм корней, то есть когда корень разнится в зависимости от формы (go - went - gone), или же суффиксацию, т.е. добавляем к основе суффикс -ed (improve - improved - improved). Поэтому выходит так:
Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. — He has lost his key. (Он потерял ключ.)Margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster. — She has broken her leg. (Она сломала ногу.)Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it's 90. — The bus fare has gone up. (Плату за проезд на автобусе подняли.)Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. — Her English has improved. (Её английский улучшился.)Dan didn't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. — He has grown a beard. (Он отрастил бороду.)This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. — The letter has arrived. (Письмо пришло.)The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. — The temperature has fallen. (Температура упала.)7.3В этом задании нужно сделать практически то же самое: использовать третью форму глагола в форме Present Perfect, но употребить её не в предложении-следствии, а в ответе. Кроме того, здесь используются краткие формы глаголов, то есть 's и 've (вместо has и have) — разница с полной формой, как известно, в том, что краткая форма — атрибут разговорной речи.
No, thank you. I've just had lunch.I'm afraid, he's gone out.Wait a minute! I've not finished yet.No, I've done it myself / already.Have you found a place to live / anything?I've not decided yet.No, she's come back.Russia is a great country and only the lazy one does not know the history of its origin, development and formation. It covers an area of about 17 million kilometers. The country is located in the Northern Hemisphere and most of the continent of Eurasia belongs to it. Russia has common borders with eighteen countries, including by sea. At sea, we border the USA and Japan.
In Russia, a large number of reservoirs, rivers, lakes. If we talk about quantity, then this figure will be about 2.8 million rivers. The largest rivers flowing through the territory of Russia are the Volga, Yenisei, Don, Ob, and Lena. And only in our country is there the cleanest lake and the deepest on earth - Lake Baikal. In Russia, there is the largest sea in the world - the Caspian Sea.
The capital of Russia is Moscow, it has developed infrastructure, a city that is rich in its history.
The country has a large number of megacities. In them, the population exceeds one million people.
Russia is a country in which a large number of nationalities coexist peacefully. The approximate number is 160 nationalities. Each nationality professes its religion. Therefore, in Russia you can meet Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and many more different religions.
The country includes autonomous republics (22), territories (9).
Russian is the state language of the country.
The flag of Russia - three colors: white, blue and red. The double-headed eagle, which looks to the west and east, majestically sits on the coat of arms of Russia.
In Russia there are places that are included in the heritage of UNESCO. And they are not enough. You can highlight the Red Square, the Monuments of Novgorod, wooden churches built in Kizhi, the St. Petersburg Historical Center.
The capital of Great Britain is London.The capital of the United States of America is Washington. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.