ответ:I really like the city of Sochi. This is the best vacation spot in our country. If I were a building, then I would like to be the "Bogatyr" hotel in the city of Sochi. This is the most beautiful building in this city. The hotel is located on the shores of the Black Sea, not far from the Olympic Park. The building was built for the 2014 Olympics. Tourists from all over the world come here. the hotel has a fabulous atmosphere, clean and comfortable. At night, it shines beautifully with colored lights. Hotel resident
I really like the city of Sochi. This is the best vacation spot in our country. If I were a building, then I would like to be the "Bogatyr" hotel in the city of Sochi. This is the most beautiful building in this city. The hotel is located on the shores of the Black Sea, not far from the Olympic Park. The building was built for the 2014 Olympics. Tourists from all over the world come here. the hotel has a fabulous atmosphere, clean and comfortable. At night, it shines beautifully with colored lights. Hotel residentalways leaves in a good mood
США - большая страна в Северной Америке. Его сосед на севере - Канада, а на юге - Мексика. Страна простирается от берегов Атлантического океана до островов Гавайи в Тихом океане и от холодной снежной Аляски до солнечной Флориды на юго-востоке. В США есть почти всякая погода. Кроме того, здесь есть много видов пастбищ, скалистых гор, мощных рек, озер разных размеров, песчаных пляжей, великих лесов и земель изо льда и снега. самые высокие горы - Скалистые горы, а самая длинная река - Миссисипи. В США проживает более 300 миллионов человек, но страна очень большая, поэтому здесь еще много открытого пространства.
He trains to be a solder like his father.
He studies the history of wars
Alexander is very strong and brave.
He plays solider which his friends and swims in the river.
Also Alexander likes horses very much.
His favorite gorse is Bucephalus.
King Alexander is a great solider.